Benefits of Alkaline RO Water Purifier

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Multiple studies have been conducted at Montana State University on alkaline water hydration. These studies have shown that one of the benefits of alkaline water is that it hydrates faster and more thoroughly than plain water.

Researchers found that alkaline water rehydrated athletes faster and more thoroughly than regular water. The Centers for Disease Control have found that about 3 out of 4 Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. Chronic dehydration can lead to many health problems such as constipation and migraine headaches. So chances are, getting hydrated with alkaline water will make a difference in your health that you can feel

Bone Health

The strongest clinical proof of the benefits of alkaline water is for bone health. Multiple studies have shown that drinking alkaline water lowers enzyme markers in the blood that doctors use to measure bone loss.

This bone-saving effect has been shown in both young and older people. Drinking alkaline water is quite literally one of the best things you can do for better bone health. There are side effects to the bisphosphonate bone drugs like Boniva, which are commonly prescribed for bone health. These drugs help for a short term, less than five years. But after five years, they can have serious side effects such as jaw necrosis: Rotting away of the jawbone. Alkaline water is the only thing that is beneficial for bone health that has no side effects. Even milk has problems; milk acidifies your body when you drink it, which interferes with your ability to absorb calcium. This has led some researchers to speculate that middle-aged people who drink milk for bone health may actually be doing more harm than good. What’s wrong with milk? Middle-aged and older people’s bodies’ ability to neutralize acidity declines with age. A younger person’s body buffers the acidity in milk so they can absorb the calcium in it. An older person’s may not be able to buffer that acidity well enough for that person to benefit from the calcium in milk. If your digestive tract is too acidic, your body doesn’t absorb calcium very well. The calcium you need for better bone health is easier for your body to absorb from water than it is from food. According to The World Health Organization, calcium is 30% easier for your body to absorb from water than it is from food. Because of this, the WHO recommends that you get 10 – 20% of your daily needs for calcium from the water you drink. Alkaline water from a water ionizer is an excellent source of highly bioavailable calcium

Liver Health

Alkaline water has been shown to have the potential to help you detox from a hangover. It works by breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a metabolic byproduct of alcohol metabolism that kills liver cells.

By breaking it down, alkaline water helps protect the liver. At the same time, it helps rehydrate the body. That helps with hangovers because dehydration is a major part of what causes the morning-after headache that comes with a hangover

Energy Levels

This really works! Drinking alkaline water mixed with an electrolyte drink mix such as Gatorade will supercharge your workout. A study done on athletes who drank alkaline water mixed with Gatorade showed that they were able to work out significantly harder and longer.

The study showed that it lowered the perceived effort that the athletes felt they needed to accomplish a workout. As a result, the athletes in the study simply had more energy and could go harder before hitting their max. It works because drinking alkaline water speeds up the absorption of electrolytes into your system. Its higher pH balance also boosts the muscles' ability to neutralize and flush out oxidative wastes. This means that you can go harder before your muscles start to feel that performance-robbing burn.


What harm could half of a pH cause? It could be a sign that you have Metabolic Syndrome: A 'constellation of physiological problems happens when your body is in a constant state of low-grade metabolic acidosis. People who have metabolic syndrome are slowly dying. Their organs are shutting down as they are destroyed by acidity.

The five symptoms of metabolic syndrome are:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Obesity
  • Blood Sugar Problems
  • Bone Loss
  • Kidney Stones


Two Swedish studies showed that the pH of the water you drink can protect you from heavy metals, specifically mercury. They showed that Swedish women who drank water from wells that were alkaline absorbed calcium, magnesium, and other beneficial nutrients from the alkaline water they drank.

Women who drank water from wells that had acidic water absorbed higher amounts of acidic elements like mercury and boron. The results were definitive. They led the researchers to suggest that one of the important benefits of alkaline water is that it may protect against the harmful effects of mercury.

Clinical research in the US showed that people who were new to alkaline water discharged 10 different heavy metals in their urine after starting to drink alkaline water. The reason it works is that raising the pH level of your urine increases renal clearance of toxic metals such as fluoride and mercury. Renal clearance refers to the rate at which your kidneys remove wastes from your bloodstream.

Digestive Health

Clinical trials from Japan showed that 88% of people with chronic mild digestive upset found gradual relief from their symptoms just by drinking alkaline water. There are a couple of reasons for this: Alkaline water neutralizes pepsin – the enzyme that triggers GERD

It contains magnesium hydroxide, the active ingredient in Milk of Magnesia.

It supports healthy probiotic microbes in the gut.

The painful burning of gastroesophageal reflux is triggered by an enzyme called pepsin. Alkaline water permanently neutralizes pepsin, preventing the harmful burning sensation of GERD. Alkaline water is actually the only known safe method for controlling GERD. Long-term use of the medications commonly taken for it, called proton pump inhibitors, has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Magnesium hydroxide works to counteract acidity to stop the painful burning of acid indigestion. Alkaline water acts to both counter some acidity and dilute acidity at the same time. Alkaline water’s ability to help with acid indigestion is called the alkaline water Tums effect.

The beneficial probiotic microbes in your gut are called anaerobes, and they hate oxygen-rich environments. Alkaline water supplies antioxidant hydroxyl ions which act to displace oxygen in the gut. This helps tilt the balance in your gut away from the harmful microbes and towards the beneficial probiotic microbes. Researchers in Japan who conducted clinical trials on alkaline water observed several different changes that showed this change in gut microflora was happening, including reduced flatulence, healthier stools, and reduced constipation.

Mental Clarity

Two Swedish studies showed that the pH of the water you drink can protect you from heavy metals, specifically mercury. They demonstrated that Swedish women who drank water from wells that were alkaline absorbed calcium, magnesium, and other beneficial nutrients from the alkaline water they consumed.

Women who drank water from wells that had acidic water absorbed higher amounts of acidic elements like mercury and boron. The results were definitive and led the researchers to suggest that one of the important benefits of alkaline water is that it may protect against the harmful effects of mercury.

Clinical research in the US showed that people who were new to alkaline water excreted 10 different heavy metals in their urine after starting to drink alkaline water. The reason it works is that raising the pH level of your urine increases renal clearance of toxic metals such as fluoride and mercury. Renal clearance refers to the rate at which your kidneys remove wastes from your bloodstream

Cholesterol Reduction

Another one of the benefits of alkaline water, which has been documented in studies, is cholesterol reduction. Alkaline water has been shown to be especially effective at reducing the levels of the two most harmful forms of cholesterol: triglycerides and Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (V-LDL) cholesterol.

Some health experts who have studied alkaline water’s effect on cholesterol believe that alkaline water helps by improving the body’s uptake of magnesium. Just like calcium, your body absorbs magnesium from water 30% faster and easier than it does from food or supplements.

Weight Loss

A study called 'The Effect of Daily Consumption of 2 Liters of Electrolyzed Water for 2 Months on Body Composition and Several Physiological Parameters in Four Obese Subjects' conducted on obese, middle-aged individuals showed the benefits of alkaline water for weight loss.

Patients in the study lost 12 pounds in two months, just by drinking alkaline water! There was no willpower or diet changes involved; they simply lost the weight. There are several reasons alkaline water could spur weight loss: Better hydration may increase your metabolic rate so you burn calories faster. Alkaline water supports beneficial probiotic microflora in the gut. Those beneficial bacteria break food down into the form needed by your body to produce energy. If you have weak probiotic microflora, then harmful anaerobes will turn your digested food into the form that your body stores as fat.

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